moby dick

rug-only 1/1 NFT

Step 1- RUG

Connect your wallet, type in the amount you want to pay, and click 'rug'. ape hard or get rugged. The more you pay, the more costly it is for someone to rug you. Hard Only!

Step 2- hodl

Is your wallet big enough to HODL? Splash so much cash that no one can afford to rug you. You cannot transfer/sell Moby Dick, only HODL. Anyone can rug by paying 10% more than the hodlr. There are no refunds, so go Hard!

Step 3- Free Willy

Got rugged? Should've aped harder. Go again Or accept that you're just not big enough. When you're rugged you get a Free Willy. (Willies aren't whales, and neither are you). Free Willies are a transferable, very limited collection, only minted when someone rugs Moby Dick. So rug your friends, they'll thank you later.